
Goal-Life Alignment Calculator Form Example

First, looking at Step 2, how many current personal goals with a “T” rating of 4 or 5 do you have?

Included with your APG results were 3 copies of your Goal-Life Alignment Calculator form. Each copy holds 10 current personal goals (i.e., there are 10 slanted lines in the upper right where you write down your goals – see example below). So, if you have more than 10 current personal goals with a “T” rating of 4 or 5, you should use your second copy (or third copy, if you have more than 20).

If you have more than 30 current personal goals with a “T” rating of 4 or 5, then, before you begin writing, you should either (a) print out a sufficient number of copies of the Goal-Life Alignment Calculator Form (if you saved your APG results); or (b) photocopy what you need from one of your blank copies that you printed out with your APG results.

Once you have determined that you have enough copies of the form, start by writing down your goals.

You start the exercise by writing down all of your current personal goals with a “T” rating of 4 or 5 on the slanted lines in the upper right of the form, as shown in the example below. In this example, there are 10 current personal goals – each of which was identified in Step 2 as being “time-intensive.”

Next, rate each goal you have written down with respect to how it fulfills your core personal goal categories.

Working down one column at a time (with each column corresponding to one of your time-intensive current personal goals), insert a rating in each cell of that column by completing the following statement:

“Attainment of this current personal goal {0, 1, or 2} this core personal goal category.”

0 – does not help fulfill
1 – helps somewhat to fulfill
2 – helps a lot to fulfill

In our example below, the time-intensive current personal goal, “Achieve [A]” has been rated with respect to each of 8 different core personal goal categories. The sum of those ratings (5) is shown at the bottom where it says, “Totals.”

The next step would be to repeat the same rating process with the current personal goal, “Work on [B],” and so on, until every cell has a rating in it (of 0, 1, or 2). That process would then be repeated for each additional copy of the Goal-Life Alignment Calculator form that you used to write down additional current personal goals.

There are page breaks for more than 8 core personal goal categories.

You will see in the example below that there are 8 core personal goal categories (i.e., Belongingness, Social Responsibility, Resource Provision, Self-Determination, Happiness, Bodily Sensations, Task Creativity, and Physical Well-Being). These were automatically filled in under the heading, “My core personal goal categories from my APG results of February 9, 2025” when the APG results were calculated.

Note, however, that the first page of the form only holds 8 core personal goal categories. So, if your APG results included 9 or more core personal goal categories, then your printed form automatically continues on a second page. In this case, each current personal goal column will extend onto a second page and therefore you would simply place the second sheet of paper directly under the first so that the columns align. Then continue the rating process described above for your core personal goal categories beyond the first 8 (i.e., 9 through however many core personal goal categories you have).

Example of a partially filled-out Goal-Life Alignment Calculator Form:

Goal-Life Alignment Calculator Form

Use with your APG Personal Application Guide, Step 3

Instructions: Using the slanted lines to the right, list all of your current personal goals (from Step 1) that have a “T” (Time) rating of 4 or 5. If you have more than 10 goals with a “T” rating of 4 or 5, continue your list on a second (or third) copy of this form.

Next, in each cell rate the impact that successful pursuit or attainment of each of your current personal goals would have with respect to your highest scoring APG personal goal categories listed below. Enter the sum of each column in the bottom row.

In each cell, use the following rating scale to complete the statement,
“Attainment of this current personal goal {0, 1, or 2} this personal goal category.”

0 – does not help fulfill
1 – helps somewhat to fulfill
2 – helps a lot to fulfill

My core personal goal categories
from my APG results of February 9, 2025:

Spend more time with my family Lose 15 pounds by June Sleep at least 7 hours each night Establish a reliable exercise routine Search for a better job Find a new hobby Watch less TV Learn how to swim Stop being so hard on myself Identify my core personal goals
BelongingnessBuilding or maintaining attachments, friendships, intimacy, or a sense of community; Avoiding social isolation or separateness1
Social ResponsibilityKeeping interpersonal commitments, meeting social role obligations, and conforming to social and moral rules; Avoiding social transgressions and unethical or illegal conduct2
Resource ProvisionGiving approval, support, assistance, advice, or validation to others; Avoiding selfish or uncaring behavior1
Self-DeterminationBeing free to act or make choices; Avoiding social pressure, constraints, or coercion0
HappinessExperiencing feelings of joy, satisfaction, or well-being; Avoiding feelings of emotional distress or dissatisfaction1
Bodily SensationsExperiencing feelings of pleasure associated with physical sensations, physical movement, or bodily contact; Avoiding unpleasant or uncomfortable bodily sensations0
Task CreativityEngaging in activities involving artistic expression or creativity; Avoiding tasks that do not provide opportunities for creative action0
Physical Well-BeingFeeling healthy, energetic, or physically robust; Avoiding feelings of lethargy, weakness, or ill health0
